The total earnings pool is derived from all vote tokens placed on incorrect options.


When a Prediction ends, earnings are distributed among winning voters based on the option they voted on:
  1. Creator Earnings:

    • The creator of a Prediction always receives 1% of the total earnings pool

  2. Marketing & Promotion
    • 9% of the total earnings pool goes towards the promotion of the prediction
  3. Votes on Incorrect options:

    • Principal is not refunded.

    • No earnings.

  4. Votes on Correct options (Within 6 Hours of the Prediction End Time):

    • Principal is fully refunded.

    • No additional earnings.

  5. Votes on Correct options (Any other time):

    • Principal is fully refunded.

    • Earn a share of 90% of the total earnings pool.

Votes made within 6 hours of the Prediction end are considered Disqualified Votes. Disqualified Votes are excluded from the earnings distribution, even if they were placed on the winning option, but have their principal refunded.
If, after removing Disqualified Votes, either no votes were placed on correct options or all votes were placed on correct options, the Prediction is deemed invalid.


In the case of an Invalid Prediction, all participants receive their principal back and the creator does not receive any earnings.


Earnings are calculated based on the number of votes placed, not the number of voters who placed votes. If you vote on multiple Prediction options simultaneously, you are considered a winner as long as any of your votes were placed on the correct Prediction option, and your earnings are determined by the number of their votes placed on the correct option.