For your frame to be created successfully, Clover requires that your artwork be your own original work and meet the profile frame design requirements.

This is an example of a profile frame on Clover. You will need 3 separate design files to upload the profile frame: Frame, Frame Demo, and Thumbnail

1. Frame

Frame size: 600px * 600px, ≤ 20 MB
Frame format: PNG / Webp

Design tips:

  • The background should be transparent.

  • The purple area can be creatively utilized (sunglasses, cartoon blush, etc.), but be careful not to cover too much of the avatar.

2. Frame Demo

Frame size: 600px * 600px, ≤ 20 MB
Frame format: PNG / Webp

Design tips: Same as the Frame, but with a profile image within the Frame

3. Frame Thumbnail

Frame size: 300px * 300px, ≤ 5 MB
Frame format: JPG / PNG / Webp / GIF
Design tips: 
  • Profile image (diameter 214px), padding = 43px to the borders

  • You can add any background image as long as it helps display the Frame.


How do I make a .Webp file?

For the Frame and Frame Demo, if you want to add animations, you need to convert your file to a .webp file. There are many easy online tools that allow you to convert your file to .webp.