For your Chat Bubble to be created successfully, Clover requires that your artwork be your own original work and meet the Chat Bubble design requirements.

Please check the design guidelines below:

File size: 180px * 162px, ≤ 1 MB

File format: PNG/Webp

Design tips: Chat Bubbles may stretch horizontally and vertically on messages of different lengths. To achieve the best effects, ensure your design does not touch the stretch points at each side, which are marked by the red axes.

Note: Transparent designs are not allowed.

 Good Example

❌ Bad Examples:

  • The Bubble is too small

  • Illustrations and Designs cover the stretch points

  • The Text Color is unreadable on the Bubble

*Please note* The system will generate a default thumbnail and detail page for you based on your Chat Bubble. If you have a better way to present your work, you can customize all of these designs. 

Here are the design specs:

Chat Bubble Thumbnail:

File size: 1:1 (suggested size: 300px*300px), ≤ 5 MB

File format: JPG/PNG/Webp/GIF

Design tips: Put the bubble in the center of the cover with text inside. Add a background image which better fits your work.

Chat Bubble Detail Page:

Chat Bubble Demo Spec:
  • File size: 1:1 (suggested size: 300px*300px), ≤ 10 MB

  • File format: PNG/Webp

  • Design tips: The main entity should include the Chat Bubble, a simple slogan (like the "Hi" in the example, with the same font color you've selected as your customized font). Please make sure the bubble has a transparent background.

Background Spec:
  • File size: 16:9, ≤ 10 MB

  • File format: jpg/PNG/Webp/mp4

  • Design tips: Make sure the style of the background fits the Chat Bubble