Any time you see a Prediction, you may click on the Prediction Card to access the Prediction Detail Page.
Voting in a Prediction:
To cast your vote, you may either:
Click directly on one of the Prediction options.
Use the Vote button at the bottom of the page.
When voting, you may adjust the number of votes you wish to cast on that option.
The number of votes you cast must be an integer. The minimum votes per action is 1 Vote and the maximum votes per action is 1000 Votes.
The number of votes you cast directly impacts your potential earnings if your chosen option is the winner. A detailed explanation of the earnings distribution is provided in the Earnings Calculation section.
Vote prices may vary depending on when the vote is cast. Details of how the vote price is calculated may be found in the Vote Price Calculation section.
Before completing your vote, you must pay a Network Fee (Supported payment currencies: SOL or Gems).